Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2009

Fungsi tombol Shortcut Keyboard

CTRL+C (Copy)
CTRL+X (Cut)
CTRL+V (Paste)
CTRL+Z (Undo)
DELETE (Delete)
SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin)
CTRL while dragging an item (Copy the selected item)
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging an item (Create a shortcut to the selected item)
F2 key (Rename the selected item)
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word)
CTRL+LEFT ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word)
CTRL+DOWN ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph)
CTRL+UP ARROW (Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph)
CTRL+SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Highlight a block of text)
SHIFT with any of the arrow keys (Select more than one item in a window or on the desktop, or select text in a document)
CTRL+A (Select all)
F3 key (Search for a file or a folder)
ALT+ENTER (View the properties for the selected item)
ALT+F4 (Close the active item, or quit the active program)
ALT+ENTER (Display the properties of the selected object)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Open the shortcut menu for the active window)
CTRL+F4 (Close the active document in programs that enable you to have multiple documents open simultaneously)
ALT+TAB (Switch between the open items)
ALT+ESC (Cycle through items in the order that they had been opened)
F6 key (Cycle through the screen elements in a window or on the desktop)
F4 key (Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
SHIFT+F10 (Display the shortcut menu for the selected item)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the System menu for the active window)
CTRL+ESC (Display the Start menu)
ALT+Underlined letter in a menu name (Display the corresponding menu)
F10 key (Activate the menu bar in the active program)
RIGHT ARROW (Open the next menu to the right, or open a submenu)
LEFT ARROW (Open the next menu to the left, or close a submenu)
F5 key (Update the active window)
BACKSPACE (View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer)
ESC (Cancel the current task)
SHIFT when you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing)

Dialog Box Keyboard Shortcuts

CTRL+TAB (Move forward through the tabs)
CTRL+SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the tabs)
TAB (Move forward through the options)
SHIFT+TAB (Move backward through the options)
ALT+Underlined letter (Perform the corresponding command or select the corresponding option)
ENTER (Perform the command for the active option or button)
SPACEBAR (Select or clear the check box if the active option is a check box)
Arrow keys (Select a button if the active option is a group of option buttons)
F1 key (Display Help)
F4 key (Display the items in the active list)
BACKSPACE (Open a folder one level up if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open dialog box)

Microsoft Natural Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows Logo (Display or hide the Start menu)
Windows Logo+BREAK (Display the System Properties dialog box)
Windows Logo+D (Display the desktop)
Windows Logo+M (Minimize all of the windows)
Windows Logo+SHIFT+M (Restore the minimized windows)
Windows Logo+E (Open My Computer)
Windows Logo+F (Search for a file or a folder)
CTRL+Windows Logo+F (Search for computers)
Windows Logo+F1 (Display Windows Help)
Windows Logo+ L (Lock the keyboard)
Windows Logo+R (Open the Run dialog box)
Windows Logo+U (Open Utility Manager)

Microsoft Internet Explorer Navigation
CTRL+B (Open the Organize Favorites dialog box)
CTRL+E (Open the Search bar)
CTRL+F (Start the Find utility)
CTRL+H (Open the History bar)
CTRL+I (Open the Favorites bar)
CTRL+L (Open the Open dialog box)
CTRL+N (Start another instance of the browser with the same Web address)
CTRL+O (Open the Open dialog box, the same as CTRL+L)
CTRL+P (Open the Print dialog box)
CTRL+R (Update the current Web page)
CTRL+W (Close the current window)

Accessibility Keyboard Shortcuts
Right SHIFT for eight seconds (Switch FilterKeys either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+PRINT SCREEN (Switch High Contrast either on or off)
Left ALT+left SHIFT+NUM LOCK (Switch the MouseKeys either on or off)
SHIFT five times (Switch the StickyKeys either on or off)
NUM LOCK for five seconds (Switch the ToggleKeys either on or off)
Windows Logo +U (Open Utility Manager)

Windows Explorer Keyboard Shortcuts
END (Display the bottom of the active window)
HOME (Display the top of the active window)
NUM LOCK+Asterisk sign (*) (Display all of the subfolders that are under the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Plus sign (+) (Display the contents of the selected folder)
NUM LOCK+Minus sign (-) (Collapse the selected folder)
LEFT ARROW (Collapse the current selection if it is expanded, or select the parent folder)
RIGHT ARROW (Display the current selection if it is collapsed, or select the first subfolder)

Shortcut Keys for Character Map
RIGHT ARROW (Move to the right or to the beginning of the next line)
LEFT ARROW (Move to the left or to the end of the previous line)
UP ARROW (Move up one row)
DOWN ARROW (Move down one row)
PAGE UP (Move up one screen at a time)
PAGE DOWN (Move down one screen at a time)
HOME (Move to the beginning of the line)
END (Move to the end of the line)
CTRL+HOME (Move to the first character)
CTRL+END (Move to the last character)
SPACEBAR (Switch between Enlarged and Normal mode when a character is selected)

Microsoft Management Console (MMC) Main Window Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL+O (Open a saved console)
CTRL+N (Open a new console)
CTRL+S (Save the open console)
CTRL+M (Add or remove a console item)
CTRL+W (Open a new window)
F5 key (Update the content of all console windows)
ALT+SPACEBAR (Display the MMC window menu)
ALT+F4 (Close the console)
ALT+A (Display the Action menu)
ALT+V (Display the View menu)
ALT+F (Display the File menu)
ALT+O (Display the Favorites menu)

MMC Console Window Keyboard Shortcuts
CTRL+P (Print the current page or active pane)
ALT+Minus sign (-) (Display the window menu for the active console window)
SHIFT+F10 (Display the Action shortcut menu for the selected item)
F1 key (Open the Help topic, if any, for the selected item)
F5 key (Update the content of all console windows)
CTRL+F10 (Maximize the active console window)
CTRL+F5 (Restore the active console window)
ALT+ENTER (Display the Properties dialog box, if any, for the selected item)
F2 key (Rename the selected item)
CTRL+F4 (Close the active console window. When a console has only one console window, this shortcut closes the console)

Remote Desktop Connection Navigation
CTRL+ALT+END (Open the m*cro$oft Windows NT Security dialog box)
ALT+PAGE UP (Switch between programs from left to right)
ALT+PAGE DOWN (Switch between programs from right to left)
ALT+INSERT (Cycle through the programs in most recently used order)
ALT+HOME (Display the Start menu)
CTRL+ALT+BREAK (Switch the client computer between a window and a full screen)
ALT+DELETE (Display the Windows menu)
CTRL+ALT+Minus sign (-) (Place a snapshot of the active window in the client on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)
CTRL+ALT+Plus sign (+) (Place a snapshot of the entire client window area on the Terminal server clipboard and provide the same functionality as pressing ALT+PRINT SCREEN on a local computer.)

Perintah Command Prompt Untuk Jaringan Komputer.

Berikut adalah perintah-perintah pada Command Prompt yang berhubungan dengan jaringan komputer.
Untuk melakukan perintah-perintah tersebut Anda harus masuk ke Command Prompt ( Klik Start ->Run ->Ketik CMD )

1. ipconfig /all
Menampilkan informasi konfigurasi koneksi, misalnya Host Name, Primary DNS Type, Ethernet Adapter LAN.

2. ipconfig /flushdns
Menghapus DNS Cache

3. ipconfig /release
“Menghapus” semua koneksi IP Address.

4. ipconfig /renew
Membuat IP Address baru untuk adapter tertentu.

5. ipconfig /displaydns
Menampilkan DNS Cache.

6. ipconfig /registerdns
Melakukan refresh DNS dan meregister kembali koneksi DNS.

7. ipconfig /showclassid
Menampilkan informasi DHCP Class.

8. ipconfig /setclassid
Mengubah DHCP Class ID

9. control netconnections
Menampilkan Network Connection.

10. nslookup
Mengetahui alamat ip address dari nama domain yang di tuliskan

11. netstat
Menampilkan informasi koneksi TCP/IP yang sedang aktif.

12. route
Menampilkan local route.

13. hostname
Menampilkan nama komputer.

14. ping
Contoh: ping
Melakukan test koneksi ke situs
Semakin sedikit % loss-nya maka semakin baik koneksinya.

15. tracert
Menampilkan informasi IP Address route.

Aplikasi rahasia yang disembunyikan dalam Windows XP

Untuk menjalankan Aplikasi-aplikasi di bawah ini :
Buka command prompt dan Ketikkan nama programnya (contoh :cleanmgr.exe) atau klik Start -> Run dan Ketikkan nama programnya (contoh :cleanmgr.exe).

1. Disk Cleanup = cleanmgr.exe
Digunakan untuk cleanup disk

2. Character Map = charmap.exe
Digunakan untuk mencari karakter yang tidak umum

3. Dr Watson = drwtsn32.exe
Digunakan untuk troubleshooting di PC.

4. DirectX diagnosis = dxdiag.exe
Digunakan untuk diagnosis audio video card anda

5. Private character editor = eudcedit.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat karakter baru di windows anda

6. IExpress Wizard = iexpress.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat self-extracting / self-installing package. seperti file Zip

7. Microsoft Synchronization Manager = mobsync.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat sincronisasi.

8. Clipboard Viewer = clipbrd.exe
Digunakan untuk melihat konten dari Windows clipboard

9. Windows Media Player 5.1 = mplay32.exe
Digunakan untuk membuka Windows Media Player versi 5.1

10. ODBC Data Source Administrator = odbcad32.exe
Digunakan untuk keperluan database

11. Object Packager = packager.exe
Digunakan untuk memasukkan objek kedalam file.

12. System Configuration Editor = sysedit.exe
Digunakan untuk mengubah system.ini dan win.ini

13. Syskey = syskey.exe
Digunakan untuk konfigurasi account di windows.

14. Microsoft Telnet Client = telnet.exe
Digunakan untuk melakukan koneksi internet sebelum ada browser.

15. Driver Verifier Manager = verifier.exe
Digunakan untuk monitoring driver di windows anda

16. Windows for Workgroups Chat = winchat.exe
Digunakan untuk chat sec

17. System configuration = msconfig.exe
Digunakan untuk mengontrol program startup

18. System Monitor = perfmon.exe
Digunakan untuk memonitor PC anda.

19. Program Manager = progman.exe
Merupakan warisan dari Windows 3.x desktop shell

20. gpedit.msc
Digunakan untuk mengatur group policy dan otorisasi, apabila Anda menggunakan Active Directory.

21. Remote Access phone book = rasphone.exe
Merupakan aplikasi seperti buku telepon

22. Registry Editor = regedt32.exe [juga regedit.exe]
Digunakan untuk tweaking dan editing registry windows

23. Network shared folder wizard = shrpubw.exe
Digunakan untuk membuat shared folder dalam jaringan

24. File siganture verification tool = sigverif.exe
Digunakan untuk verifikasi signature

25. Volume Control = sndvol32.exe
Digunakan untuk menampilkan sound control di System Tray

Setting Registry Untuk Start Menu

Cara dibawah ini ditujukan untuk setting registry pada Start Menu Windows XP.

Windows XP Shortcuts
ALT+- (ALT+hyphen) Displays the Multiple Document Interface (MDI) child window’s System menu
ALT+ENTER View properties for the selected item
ALT+ESC Cycle through items in the order they were opened
ALT+F4 Close the active item, or quit the active program
ALT+SPACEBAR Display the System menu for the active window
ALT+TAB Switch between open items
ALT+Underlined letter Display the corresponding menu
BACKSPACE View the folder one level up in My Computer or Windows Explorer
CTRL+A Select all
CTRL+I Italics
CTRL+O Open an item
CTRL+U Underline
CTRL+V Paste
CTRL+F4 Close the active document
CTRL while dragging Copy selected item
CTRL+SHIFT while dragging Create shortcut to selected iteM
CTRL+RIGHT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
CTRL+LEFT ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
CTRL+DOWN ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
CTRL+UP ARROW Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph
SHIFT+DELETE Delete selected item permanently without placing the item in the Recycle Bin
ESC Cancel the current task
F1 Displays Help
F2 Rename selected item
F3 Search for a file or folder
F4 Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer
F5 Refresh the active window
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F10 Activate the menu bar in the active program
SHIFT+F10 Display the shortcut menu for the selected item
CTRL+ESC Display the Start menu
SHIFT+CTRL+ESC Launches Task Manager
SHIFT when you insert a CD Prevent the CD from automatically playing
WIN Display or hide the Start menu

WIN+BREAK Display the System Properties dialog box
WIN+D Minimizes all Windows and shows the Desktop
WIN+E Open Windows Explorer
WIN+F Search for a file or folder
WIN+F+CTRL Search for computers
WIN+L Locks the desktop
WIN+M Minimize or restore all windows
WIN+R Open the Run dialog box
WIN+TAB Switch between open items

Windows Explorer Shortcuts
ALT+SPACEBAR – Display the current window’s system menu
SHIFT+F10 – Display the item’s context menu
CTRL+ESC – Display the Start menu
ALT+TAB – Switch to the window you last used
ALT+F4 – Close the current window or quit
CTRL+A – Select all items
CTRL+X – Cut selected item(s)
CTRL+C – Copy selected item(s)
CTRL+V – Paste item(s)
CTRL+Z – Undo last action
CTRL+(+) – Automatically resize the columns in the right hand pane
TAB – Move forward through options
ALT+RIGHT ARROW – Move forward to a previous view
ALT+LEFT ARROW – Move backward to a previous view
SHIFT+DELETE – Delete an item immediately
BACKSPACE – View the folder one level up
ALT+ENTER – View an item’s properties
F10 – Activate the menu bar in programs
F6 – Switch between left and right panes
F5 – Refresh window contents
F3 – Display Find application
F2 – Rename selected item

Internet Explorer Shortcuts
CTRL+A – Select all items on the current page
CTRL+D – Add the current page to your Favorites
CTRL+E – Open the Search bar
CTRL+F – Find on this page
CTRL+H – Open the History bar
CTRL+I – Open the Favorites bar
CTRL+N – Open a new window
CTRL+O – Go to a new location
CTRL+P – Print the current page or active frame
CTRL+S – Save the current page
CTRL+W – Close current browser window
CTRL+ENTER – Adds the http://www. (url) .com
SHIFT+CLICK – Open link in new window
BACKSPACE – Go to the previous page
ALT+HOME – Go to your Home page
HOME – Move to the beginning of a document
TAB – Move forward through items on a page
END – Move to the end of a document
ESC – Stop downloading a page
F11 – Toggle full-screen view
F5 – Refresh the current page
F4 – Display list of typed addresses
F6 – Change Address bar and page focus
ALT+RIGHT ARROW – Go to the next page
SHIFT+CTRL+TAB – Move back between frames
SHIFT+F10 – Display a shortcut menu for a link
SHIFT+TAB – Move back through the items on a page
CTRL+TAB – Move forward between frames
CTRL+C – Copy selected items to the clipboard
CTRL+V – Insert contents of the clipboard
ENTER – Activate a selected link
HOME – Move to the beginning of a document
END – Move to the end of a document
F1 – Display Internet Explorer Help

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